Saturday, April 4, 2015

Exploring Manjack

Yesterday, we dinghied and snorkeled around our anchorage to see what was underwater.
Leaning over the dinghy and looking underwater using the look bucket that David made

Zooming in on a sea star using the look bucket

Sea star taken from the underwater camera (on the correct setting)

Another from the underwater camera

The sea biscuit that David found under our boat.  The pattern beyond the "star" reminds us of Petoskey stones in Michigan.

Last night's sunset and moonrise were accented by pretty clouds.
Sunset from our anchorage at Manjack Cay....

...counterbalanced by the moonrise to the east.

This morning, we ventured to the northern cove.  I was kicking myself that we hadn't brought the paddleboard up there.  Conditions were perfect.  And lord knows I need practice on that thing!
Northern cove at Manjack Cay, a peaceful spot 

A small conch that we put back in the water.  See his little black eyes peering out of the bottom?

Abandoned house for sale just off the beach

Each beach seems to have a trash pile of things found on the beach.  Since there are no trash receptacles, a heap is made and left higher than high tide.  There's sort of an unwritten rule that if you find trash washed up on the beach, you place it there.

There were thousands of tiny minnow-like fish swimming with us.  We also saw a nurse shark, so I stayed very close to shore.

Leaving the cove this afternoon

We're back on Virginia Dare, watching the weather and making a plan for the next few days when the winds pick up.  These last few days at anchor have been picture perfect....daytime high of 79, nighttime low of 71 with light and variable winds.....perfect for exploring the sea life.

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