Wednesday, June 21, 2017

We're baaaaaack!

Well, it's been 14+ months since our last post and A LOT has changed since we sold Virginia Dare (now named Estelle in Holland, Michigan).  We've settled back down in northern Michigan and have mostly readjusted to land-based life.  However, David bought an S2 6.7 after college and will never part with it (yay!).  So, he's been sprucing her up for the past several weeks and she splashed down this morning!

My standing Wednesday night date is with knitting friends and I hate to miss it, but I bagged out to bake David's birthday cake tonight.  But along came an even better take advantage of this picture perfect weather and take her for the first sail of the season.  So off we went.  I'll keep the prose short and share pictures today.

Inland Seas traditionally-rigged tall ship schooner

Heading north out of Suttons Bay on a gorgeous evening

Cap'n Crunch :)

Dave took a break from working on his boat to join us.

Couldn't have asked for better weather

The sail loft accidentally sewed closed (!) the batten pockets on our new mainsail, so we hanked on the old.


Summer Solstice 2017
(as I write at this post at 10:30 pm, the sky is still pale blue in this northern latitude)

One happy guy!

Another happy guy!

Beautiful evening

Nice breeze
Thank you, Mother Nature, for the gift of today.