Friday, December 26, 2014

Down for the count

Well, we pulled into a marina at Wrightsville Beach on Tuesday afternoon and I was all set to write a post entitled The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly to describe our day.  However, we were tired and hungry, so we walked down the street to the Mellow Mushroom for pizza, came back, and crashed.  Post never written.

Delicious pizza and beer

Fast forward to the next morning, Christmas Eve, when we both wake up with horrible colds......wet cough, fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, you name it, we got it.  We basically spent Christmas Eve under quilts, drank tea, and never really ate.  Our Christmas "cocktails" consisted of NyQuil, Sudafed, and Advil with an occasional Afrin and albuterol thrown in for good measure.  Christmas morning was more of the same, but David made a nice breakfast since we were hungry.  The sun came out in the early afternoon so we went to the beach for an hour.  The fresh air and sunshine felt good although our bodies felt 100 years old.

Christmas dinner postponed until this evening, I think.

Fresh air and sunshine on Christmas Day


  1. Hi Lisa and David,

    Hope you guys are feeling better and up for bubbles by Thursday. I'm not a blogger, so I can't figure out how to comment without my comments getting erased. So now I'm trying anonymous, but it's actually me, Ursula! Steve sends hugs and kisses too!!

  2. That comment from Ursula was hilarious. I too could not figure out how to comment w/o "anything". Never did this before. I too hope you are feeling better and that you can soon move onto warmer climes to bake this virus from your bodies. (Anonymous-Sandy)
