Monday, August 31, 2015

A 10-day cruise

We spent the last ten days cruising around the middle portion of the Chesapeake Bay.  The weather was cooler and less humid than normal (happy dance!) and we got to sail a lot more than expected (yay!).
Heading toward the Tred Avon River and Oxford, Maryland

Crab pots are marked with all sorts of buoys.......yellow flags are nice and visible!  We don't want to run them over or get their lines tangled in our propellor or rudder.

Happy captain is smiling in the shadow of his hat :)

No more tangles!

Very peaceful anchorage in Plaindealing Creek near Oxford

Sunset from Plaindealing Creek - no filter.

Never swam on this trip.....too many moon jellies.

Dinghied around Oxford on Sunday, August 23rd

Sights on Town Creek

Crab pots at a dock

Very cute little town

Time for lunch... the tavern at the Robert Morris Inn.

A large crab swam by the boat
We changed our anchorage on Sunday afternoon and moved over to Trippe Creek (also near Oxford).

A waterman checking his trotlines for crabs on Monday morning.
Our friends were coming down to their sailboat on Tuesday, so we crossed the bay on Monday afternoon.

This crab pot marker is not as easily seen as the yellow flags.  Some are just black buoys....very hard to see!

Heading up the South River as a storm approaches.

We were safely anchored in Aberdeen Creek when the rain and lightning moved in.  Thankfully, there wasn't much wind.

The sky turned a funky shade of orange just before the storm.
Bud and Sandy arrived on Tuesday morning and we set off to explore some of their favorite locations :)

Following Acadia down the South River

Virginia Dare motoring out the South River into the bay (photo credit: Bud Menchey)

Bloody Point Light and the Bay Bridge in the distance

Role reversal: Lisa at the helm, David as the crew

Virginia Dare anchored in Dividing Creek -- we were surprised to see a ray when we dropped anchor here.

Cocktails on Acadia -- Carly likes happy hour, she gets lots of treats!

Sunset from Dividing Creek

Sunrise the following morning (photo credit: David Cooper)

Bud and Carly

Sandy aboard Acadia (beautiful Cape Dory 36)

Acadia under sail

Virginia Dare under sail (photo credit: Bud Menchey)

Happy hour on Virginia Dare.  My parents have sailed many miles with Bud and Sandy.  It was fun to get together!

Pretty church in St. Michaels

Sunset from our anchorage in St. Michaels.
We spent the last two nights anchored in the Rhode River near the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.  Click here to read about their research of cownose rays in the bay.

All in all, it was a really great trip......very lazy anchorages and no boat chores :)  Just what we needed!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Wye Island Walkabout

This week, we're traveling with friends from York who are showing us some of their favorites spots on the Chesapeake Bay.  On Tuesday evening, we anchored in Dividing Creek on the Wye East River. It was a beautiful, secluded anchorage where we saw an eagle, many heron, and even a ray in the brackish water.  On Wednesday morning, we walked some of Wye Island's trails.  Here are a few scenes from the island.

Soybean crop


Colors of nature

Amazing old growth trees

Fungus among us

Grapevine Cove

Love in the forest :)

Dusty road

This is what's left of a 275 year old holly tree (1/3 its original size).  It must have been damaged in a storm.



Young persimmon fruits